Monday, February 11, 2013

Scribblenauts Unlimited

I'd like to welcome the boy as today's guest blogger. He'll be talking about a new game for Wii U: Scribblenauts Unlimited.

This game is a little bit of a puzzle game. As much as I don't like puzzle games, it's probably an imagination game. You can think of anything you want and add adjectives to make it cool, exciting, anything you want. As much as that sounds cool it has a bigger power to make your own items and in the original scribblenauts you only had a limit to what you could have on the map but no, its unlimited and you used to always write again, etc. Now, you have a backpack, which you can put anything you want in it and you just can bring it back whenever you want. There's also some references from Nintendo. You can have Mario characters and Link characters. It's pretty amazing to what you can do. I've never seen a game just like this. Besides imagination, all you need is to learn how to write stuff. I have one word that describes this whole entire game, and that is: epic.

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