Like any tool, #minecraft in edu nds boundaries & purpose. Unfurling it on a class of 6 yr olds is reckless. Might as well buld guns w Lego.
— Jared Bennett (@mrjarbenne) May 31, 2013
@mrjarbenne Have you read "Who's Calling the Shots?" Excellent book: we shouldn't make "violent play" unspoken & banned. Leads 2silly stuff
— Diana Maliszewski (@MzMollyTL) June 1, 2013
Usually I ignore tweets that I have a philosophical difference with - engaging in dialogue with a 140 character limit, in public, is not the best way to deal with sensitive issues. However, I couldn't help but respond. As I said to my husband, it's not like I support the NRA, who gave a lifetime membership to a boy who bit his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun - but neither am I in support of the school that suspended the child for biting his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.
Maybe I'll just invite him to the upcoming Academy of the Impossible session about Minecraft on June 20.